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WhatsApp Image 2020-10-18 at 2.48.53 PM.
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WhatsApp Image 2020-10-18 at 2.46.11 PM.
bihar relief (9)


SBM provides urgent assistance to communities at risk in times of natural and man-made disasters. We ensure that the communities realize their right to clean water, food, sanitation, and other fundamental needs. In particular, we reach out to women, adolescent girls, children, persons with disabilities, and elderly people among these communities. We focused on addressing the socio, political, economic, and environmental vulnerabilities to bring the factor of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in our programmes to make the communities more resilient to cope with the sudden natural disasters and pandemics.  


During Hyderabad Floods 2020 SBM with other International, National & Local organizations including UN agencies formed a consortium/ coalition called Hyderabad Flood Relief Coalition (HFRC), to integrate complementary technical skills to support hard to reach vulnerable populations with the most required emergency support through humanitarian food assistance, WASH, shelter & protection, education, and health (physical & mental) in the most affected areas. Our Project reached most of the affected people with food assistance through cash intervention, conditional cash transfer for shelter repairing, volunteers support, access to safe drinking water through water points rehabilitation, and hygiene kit distribution, and blended public health promotion activities to reduce exposure to COVID-19 risks.




  • Area-specific programmes are propelled to address the development of disadvantaged regions and their communities.​

  • Enhancing the preparedness of the community through various capacity-building programs and networking with humanitarian support providers for a coordinated and effective humanitarian response during emergencies.

  • Partnering with Inter-Agency Groups and other international, national, local organizations including UN agencies for joint needs assessments and respond rapidly using pre-approved methodologies. 

  • Research and Development on the Early Development Stage and long-term recovery projects to bring the community back to normal from the impact of the calamity to lead a better life with dignity. 

How We Do?
What We Do
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