Hyderabad is a growing city, producing millions of tonnes of waste on a daily basis. Most of this finds its way to landfills, polluting air, water, and soil. The toxins released from waste are extremely harmful to humans and animals. Therefore, a city like Hyderabad needs effective waste management services. According to the study conducted by Nation Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur along with Imperial College in London and the University of Leeds revealed that Hyderabad has 0.57 Kg per person per day which is one of the highest per capita per day waste generation in India. The high volume of per capita garbage generation in Hyderabad has thus put a huge burden on the civic body with a massive problem of segregation of municipal solid waste. Around 4000 metric tonnes of waste is generated in Hyderabad daily.
Proper segregation and disposal is the key to solid waste management. SBM provides end-to-end solutions for sustainable waste management by managing the waste from its source. We developed a coordinated network for the collection, transportation, segregation, and recycling of plastic, paper, wood, metal, and E-waste by getting in touch with recyclers and waste management companies. This initiative helps people to reduce waste and significantly minimize the pressure on landfills and dumping grounds.
Understanding the rate of generation of different types of waste using the secondary data
Establishing a coordinated platform for the collection, transportation, segregation, storage, and recycling of the waste.
Transforming the repairable waste into fine end products by creating linkages between available skills and market opportunities.
Collaborating with the appropriate stakeholders for the recycling of plastic and E-waste.
Advocating and raising awareness on the relevance of managing the waste from its source and its benefits.